Africa Projects
NCECA Residency
Sirigu, Ghana, 2010
I spent three weeks in a remote village called Sirigu, in the North of Ghana, working with local potters. The local tribe of Nankani live in earthen houses that resemble large pots. These women have lived and worked this way for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the knowledge of their craft is now being lost.
Kampala, Uganda, 2008
In 2008 I worked with In Movement to renovate the KAYDA orphanage, and paint a mural on the walls outside the community hall. The theme for this year is ‘environment’ so it was a perfect chance for them to express their thoughts and ideas about where they lived.
Kampala, Uganda, 2007
In March 2007 I spent a month in Kampala, Uganda, working with the organization INMOVEMENT. Although the focus of Inmovement work is dance and performing arts they also have a team of visual artist from Uganda working with them.
Casa de Paz e Luz
Quelimane, Mozambique, 2005
In 2005 I returned to Quelimane to work on a small earth building project to create a classroom for the homeless kids at the Cooperativa. I wanted the children to be involved in the construction of their own creative space. I hope to restore to these kids, a belief that they have the power to manifest what they want in the world.
Capuchin Mission
Quelimane, Mozambique, 2001
In 2001 I traveled to Mozambique in South East Africa to see a solar eclipse and to study Portuguese. On seeing this astounding astrological event I was moved to think of my place in the world, my path, and what I was doing with my life.