Thank goodness for Bell Hooks!
There is an art to reading, and I have come to realise if I cant understand the first page of any text that it probably won’t be worth trying to slog through it. Also, I don’t have to read everything.
Having someone else translate the complex theories of great thinkers has become my tactic to accessing the important knowledge needed to improve my practice, and myself.
Here is Hooks talking about popular culture and how it is a resource to help us to understand. As I suggest, it’s a ‘translated’ version of the political and sociological structures in our everyday lives.
Bell Hooks met Friere and was inspired by his theories on education and freedom. bell hooks’ first major book on education, Teaching to Transgress : Education as the practice of Freedom, was published in 1994. It is a collection of essays exploring her ideas. (Burke,2004)
I celebrate teaching that enables transgressions–a movement against and beyond boundaries. It is that movement which makes education the practice of freedom.